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triskel radio


Welcome and welcome everyone to Radio Triskel , the radio  of the Conservatory of Music of Vigo.

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Radio Triskel is CSMVigo's podcast radio project. It was born with the intention of projecting to the outside the wealth that is produced in our classrooms, promoting a space that aims to be a valuable tool of work and dissemination for all the specialties and disciplines that are taught in our center.

Radio Triskel aims to bring together all the perspectives that converge in the field of music, accommodating the past, present and future in a transversal way. At the same time, it also pursues the active involvement of all students, deserving a special mention of the specialty of Production and Management, which will have through this project a place to put into practice many of the content worked on in their studies.

Radio Triskel plans to offer sound spaces on a variety of topics that promote collaboration between the different departments and specialties of our conservatory.

LISTEN TO MUS:  Live or streaming program to broadcast auditions and concerts, linked to all the itineraries of interpretation and ensemble department in collaboration with Production and Management in the technical part.

MOUSE COLLECTION:  Sound and soundscape compilation program, linked to FAAV, Ethnomusicology and even Composition.

CURE-MUS:  Music and health space with interviews and practical information related to TCCORP.

DISCOVER MUS:  Presentation of new recordings with interviews and annotated auditions linked to Production and Management.

MUS INTERVIEW:  In-depth interviews with various personalities (Erasmus + visiting teachers, collaboration with other centers, master classes ...).

LABORA-MUS:  Space dedicated to information on possible career opportunities in the field of music, linked to FORLAN.

END MUSE:  Space for the announcement and promotion of the Final Projects (TFE) that are presented.

MUSIC-MUS:  Music story space or relationship between text and music, linked to pedagogy or applied piano (Improvisation Department) with the participation of the Library plan.

WELCOME:  Narrative-musical space that provides the listener with a sound walk with comments on the CSMVigo building, to complement the Walk in QR made by students of different subjects (applied piano, chamber music, composition ...).

APADRINA-MUS:  Sample space of the sponsorship project of the Improvisation Department in which to pour both the musical product and interviews and follow-up of the project itself.

MUSE VERSION:  Version space compared to all the variants you want to include (piano, four-hand piano, symphonic repertoire, chamber music, etc.).

PER-SOA-MUS:  Space for the presentation of first-year students through short self-produced audios, linked to the FAAV (Per_Soa Project).

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