The scope of action of the Conservatory of Vigo is that of the Autonomous Community of Galicia, on which it depends, being a public center created by the Ministry of Culture, Education and University of the Xunta de Galicia. Its scope of action, as far as students are concerned, has no limitation, and may accept students who meet the access requirements established in the current standard, which is none other than to have a baccalaureate degree or equivalent and pass the entrance exams. which are held each year on the dates determined for this purpose by the Administration responsible for Education in the Autonomous Community. In this direction, the vocation of the Conservatory of Vigo is to attract students from the Autonomous Community of Galicia, in other communities and countries near or outside that contribute to the dissemination and improvement of the work done in the educational institution.
Agreements of the CSM of Vigo
Asociación Amigos da Ópera de Vigo
Cidade da Cultura
Concello de O Porriño
Concello de Ponteareas
Concello de Tomiño
Deputación de Pontevedra
Orquestra Clásica de Vigo
Orquestra da USC
Orquestra de Cámara Galega
Orquestra Sinfónica de Galicia
Orquestra Son das Flores
Orquestra Vigo430
Radio Vigo
Vertixe Sonora Ensemble
Xuventudes Musicais do Eixo Atlántico